Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Recruitment Nouvita Mental Health & Learning Disability Care

These often have different themes and are carefully planned so that residents of all capabilities are able to take part. We’re doing everything we can to keep our residents connected to their loved ones and the wider community, from video calls to letters and our new Bupa Buddy service. Our housekeeping teams take great pride in overseeing the essential housekeeping duties that make the “house a home”. Care homes are very busy places and with all the comings and goings our housekeepers work tirelessly with laundry, cleaning and the general interior presentation of the care home. Assisted by suggestions from our Residents, our home’s Wellbeing Coordinators organise a varied year round programme of things to do. Many Residents take pleasure in hobbies, including baking, writing, gardening, dancing, painting, quizzes, and playing chess.

broad oak manor nursing home

The provider ensured that appropriate infection control procedures were in place to minimise the risk of cross infection. Staff were provided with appropriate personal protective equipment and a range of audits relating to infection control had been conducted. The provider had arrangements to receive feedback from people who used the service, their relatives, external stakeholders and staff members about the services provided. People were confident to raise anything that concerned them with staff or management and satisfied that they would be listened to.

Care Quality Commission inspection rating

Three of the people we spoke with described the home as, 'A very social place to live'. The management team worked hard to create an open, transparent and inclusive ethos within the service. There was a robust quality assurance system in place and shortfalls identified were promptly acted on to improve the service.

broad oak manor nursing home

As ever, the care and safety of our residents and our people continues to be our highest priority during these unprecedented times. That’s why we’re doing everything we can to look after our residents and their loved ones. Site Maintenance Officers are responsible for keeping our care homes safe and well maintained so that Residents can enjoy a home from home experience.

Broad Oak Manor

Staff had received appropriate training, support and development to carry out their role effectively. We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. People and relatives spoke highly of how kind and caring staff were. They used words such as ’extraordinary’, ‘highly’ and ‘outstanding’ when they described staff’s behaviours, kindness and attitude when caring for people. We reviewed the information and data available to us about Broad Oak Manor Care Home on 8 December 2022. We have not found evidence that we need to reassess the rating at this stage.

broad oak manor nursing home

Customer Care Team Arranging care can be stressful, we’re here to help. Based in Leeds, our Customer Care Team provides free advice and support whenever you need it. With sitting rooms, space for Residents to pursue their hobbies and interests and a lovely dining room, Broadoak Manor has a host of places in which to relax, dine, exercise, socialise and be creative. The pretty landscaped garden and patio is the perfect spot to spend time with friends and family, and is happily looked after by some of our Residents. The bright, comfortable bedrooms and living areas are all easily accessible by wheelchair. Here at Broad Oak Manor we look for the very best people to join us and whilst our management team are hands on, we work hard to empower our teams and allow their thoughts and opinions to be heard.

Broad Oak Manor Care Home

We make a point of celebrating birthdays and special occasions, as well as national festivities such as St Andrew’s Day, Mother’s Day and Burns Night. We have built-in music systems to provide ambience and we dress our dining rooms in the evening. The home’s caring team has created a family atmosphere, encouraging everyone to eat and celebrate special occasions together. Residents are invited to decorate their rooms with small items of their own furniture and treasured belongings so that it feels just like home.

During our inspection we spoke with three of the 12 people who lived at the home and another person's relative. They said they felt safe at the home and trusted and liked the staff who provided their care. From the minute my came here they've checked with my and me and listened to what we've said.'We found that people's needs were assessed and care delivered in line with their individual care plans. We saw staff providing care and support to people living at the home.

I am extremely satisfied with my life at Broad Oak Manor.

Daily life is thoughtfully designed to support mind, body and soul. In one of our 29 luxury houses on Broad Oak Lane, you can continue to live independently while benefiting from all the care and support of our staff, as well as being part of the Broad Oak Manor community. Working in the care industry can be really challenging – we can’t deny that. However, knowing you’re making a positive difference to peoples’ lives every day is really fulfilling. When you work in care, your role, no matter how senior, will play a huge part in helping others and improving their health and wellbeing. No two days will ever be the same but you’ll certainly be making a difference every single day.

Staff received regular one to one supervision from a member of the management team which made them feel supported and valued. People received support to eat and drink sufficient quantities and their health needs were well catered for with appropriate referrals made to external health professionals when needed. Nouvita Healthcare employs 400 members of staff, so we are small compared to other independent mental health care services. This means that we look for the very best people to join us and whilst our management team are hands on, we work hard to empower our teams and allow their thoughts and opinions heard. People's needs had been assessed individually and were reviewed regularly by staff.

We have not found evidence that we need to carry out an inspection or reassess our rating at this stage. Broad Oak Manor Nursing Home provides Nursing, Dementia, Residential, and Palliative care. Medical care from a qualified nurse, and treatment for residents with illness or injuries. Contact our partner Florence on the number or link below, who will be happy to help you find a job in the care sector.

broad oak manor nursing home

My finances were looked into and my family agreed that here was the solution. I have my independence and also have people around me when I want company. And, with our innovative, individualised approach, you can be confident that you will receive the highest standards of care both now and in the future.

Darenth Grange Residential Home

They said that they felt staff listened to them and acted on their suggestions. The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received. People who used the service were invited to attend meetings where they could raise any concerns and their feedback was taken into account and where possible acted on. Broad Oak Manor Nursing Home provides accommodation and care to 27 older people including those who require nursing care and may live with dementia.

Please feel free to call us for a viewing appointment or to discuss your personal requirements. There were effective systems in place to monitor the quality of the service provided. We saw that where shortfalls in the service were identified, action had been taken to make improvements. These were under review and further development to reflect better people’s likes, dislikes and preferences.

Visitors to the home were encouraged at any time of the day and people’s privacy and dignity was promoted. People were given the opportunity to feedback on the service and their views were acted on. People received personalised care that met their individual needs and were given appropriate support and encouragement to access meaningful activities.

broad oak manor nursing home

If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please tick below to say how you would like us to contact you. A care service rating provided by the Care Quality Commission (“CQC”). The CQC is the sector's official regulator and an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health and Social Care.

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